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  • Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Tahun 2024                                                                      Pengumuman Kelulusan                                                                               Untuk menjaga kondusifitas maka kepada siswa-siswi dilarang melakukan konvoi mengendarai kendaraan yang dapat berakibat merugikan diri sendiri dan mencelakai orang lain
  • Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Tahun 2024                                                                      Pengumuman Kelulusan                                                                               Untuk menjaga kondusifitas maka kepada siswa-siswi dilarang melakukan konvoi mengendarai kendaraan yang dapat berakibat merugikan diri sendiri dan mencelakai orang lain
5 August 2024

Siswa SMAN 5, aktivis bank sampah, berpidato dlm bhs Inggris pada upacara bendera.

Mon, 5 August 2024 Read 965x Pendidikan

Selamat pagi, salam Sejahtera bagi kita semua.
Tabik pun..
The honourable our beloved Principal, Ibu Hj. Hayati Nufus, M.Pd
The honourable our beloved teachers and administrators
All my beloved friends.

Good morning.
Earth gives us the oxygen when we breath, it keeps us from the direct sunlight that will burn our skin, and it gives us the rain that we need to grow our food. that is why we should love our earth. How can we do that?
My beloved friends, it’s so sad that the fact is the opposite from it, almost 72% of our waste was ended in the landfill, if you think it is just a small numbers, let me tell you.
Right now we have at least 280 million people who live in this country, and from the data I have, one person in Indonesia produces rubbish around 0.68 kg per day. Imagine there are 5 members in a family, they at least produce rubbish 3,4 kg a day, what about in a year? It will be 1,224 kg rubbish from one family in a year.
WOW, what a big numbers!!. How can we solve this problem?
As you know, our school now has a great program which support saving the world from the rubbish especially the plastic one. We call the program BANK SAMPAH.
This program’s action is collecting plastic from home or our environment, clean it up, keep it dry, cut it off and put it in a bottle. I believe all of you have known it because we did it in our P 5 project.

Bank Sampah is already well known in this province. We got many invitations from government to come to seminars which are held in Bandar Lampung and Metro. We even got certificate of honour from our Education Department.
And now, we are working on the next level joining National Competition of “School innovated Program” Please, my friend, pray for it.
My beloved friends and teachers, I believe this action will change everything, if we are willing to take part seriously. As We heard about ” Circular Economics “, that is about “ZERO WASTE”. I give one example of the action of supporting circular economic. Suppose we buy a pack of sugar, we put some sugar in our tea, coffee or milk and we save the plastic pack for ecobrick. This is why we call zero waste.

Ideally one ecobrick at least load 0,5 kg plastic rubbish, it nearly same as the rubbish that we produce for a day, so it almost reduce all the rubbish that we produce for a day. So, please, support BANK SAMPAH by “PILAH SAMPSH DARI RUMAH”, make ecobricks, create tables and chairs, you can sell them, and make money for yourselves.
My beloved friends, we should really be grateful that SMAN 5 BANDARLAMPUNG, is really aware about this issue, and become the pioneer of bank sampah in school, I wish by you support guys, we can save our lovely planet from our own rubbish by applying the 3R principle, reuse, reduce, re-cycle. My name is Hafidz Izurra Faqar, and thank you for your attention and have a good day.
But before I close my speech, I have pantun for you.

Pucuk ubi
Pucuk kangkung
Sayangi bumi
agar kehidupan terus berlangsung

Editor : Yohanes. Edi. P

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